Mr. Arnd Spahn

President, Sozialversicherung für Landwirtschaft, Forsten und Gartenbau (SVLFG), Germany

Arnd Spahn is the Chairman of the Board of SVLFG. He holds this office on an honorary basis. In his full-time position, he is secretary of EFFAT - European Federation of Food, Agriculture, and Tourism Trade Unions.


SYM16 - Safety Culture in Farming: Growing from generation to generation

The themes of this session include good practices, innovative solutions and effective management to advance safety culture in agriculture. Join the Conversation Café following the session to continue the discussion with speakers and ask questions.
Program information in the Congress languages can be found here.

Magdalena Wachnicka-Witzke, Poland 

Magalie Cayon, France  
Sashikala Chandrasekar, India 
Isaac Abril Muñoz, Spain 
Arnd Spahn, Germany 
Päivi Wallin, Finland

Live - 22/09/2021  - 13:45 EDT - 15:15 EDT
Rerun - 22/09/2021 - 23:45 EDT - 23/09/2021 01:15 EDT