Mrs. Silvana Cappuccio

International Policy Officer , CGIL, Italy

Mrs. Cappuccio works at the Italian CGIL Department for Global Policy, and is responsible for the activities within the ILO (International Labour Organization) and the United Nations. She is in charge of the relations with the Asian countries, OHS policies, human rights defense, and gender policies at global level.

Mrs. Cappuccio is author of the two books “Jeans to Die For” and “Glokers – People, Places and Ideas about Globalised Labour” and of a photo exhibit on Child Labour, all showing her long working experience in the field and travelling worldwide for the International Textile Workers Federation.

SYM14 - Strengthening worker health protection in global supply chains

Global supply chains cross national borders with varying standards for worker health protection. The symposium will highlight challenges and solutions for strengthening worker health protection across diverse market systems, regulatory regimes and safety cultures.   

Emily Norgang, Canada

Silvana Cappuccio, Italy 
Lisa Hollands, Germany 
Rakesh Patry, Canada 
Kalpona Aktar, Bangladesh

Live : 20/09/2019 - 14:45 EDT - 16:15 EDT
Rerun : 21/09/2021 - 00:45 EDT - 02:15 EDT